Thursday, October 3, 2013

He Brews

 I love my husband, sleep, and coffee. In that order... I've always been a night owl and until recently, struggled with insomnia. So I truly value a good nights rest. Those morning people drive me nuts. You know the type. They bounce out of bed with a smile on their face,whistling a happy tune, as sunshine pours through their pores. I secretly envy them.
 On any given day you're likely to find me burrowed beneath a mound of blankets blissfully unaware of the world around me. Until that blasted alarm blares and disturbs my slumber. Then I'll grudgingly throw back the covers and stumble to the coffee pot. I can be reasonably pleasant if I'm able to sleep until 7 a.m. But if I wake one minute before that... watch out!
 So... this year our eldest daughter began jr. high. No big deal, right? Oh, I forgot to mention she needs to get up earlier, 6:00!!! For the first week of school I tried to wake up early. Really, I did. I made sure she was up on time,had everything she needed for the day ahead, and even prepared a hot breakfast. Then promptly passed out on the couch until our other kid needed to be up @ 7:30.
 James is usually awake by 6:00 anyway. So I pleaded my case, Would he be willing to take the early shift with kid #1? I'd GLADLY wake up with child #2. He agreed! The first piece of marital advice that he received was "Happy wife, happy life." I guess it stuck with him :D 
 Now he rises with the sun and I get to sleep in till' 7:30. Now that's what I call love and devotion. Best of all, there's a freshly brewed pot of coffee waiting for me. Ah, Heaven in  a cup! 
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Hebrews 10:24                                   

 It's the little things in life that mean so much. What may seem small to you could be a big deal to someone else. Look at your spouse. What can you do to brighten their day, or just show you care? Take out the trash without nagging. Make a favorite meal. Rub a pair of tired feet. And be sure to let them know how much you appreciate all they do for you. Hey James, thanks for the brew!

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